I Love You

I Love You

i love you
three simple words
expressed from the heart
some acknowledge and receive
others question what they believe
not understanding

i is the self that holds our true wealth
of love and presencing
love is a word and how it is heard
depends on our beliefs
you is both singular and plural
an inclusive expression
a true life impression
of being as one
the sum

gagi     04/24/24

Fragmental Bond

Fragmental Bond

piece by piece we are coming together
returning to oneness for
which we have longed

peace by peace returning to calmness
each adding our gifts to
our fragmental bond

each piece brings peace
and we are almost there
our bond is devotion
to life in motion
thru our care

gagi     04/24/24

Coming Home

Coming Home

coming home
a place of rest
the overwhelm, exhaustion
has been left
with the outer world
expressed, released
now back home
to the inner world
a place of peace

gagi     04/23/24