Heart of the Matter

Heart of the Matter

deep within
there’s a pulse of the divine
that rhythm of life
when all is aligned

with a peaceful purpose
the heart beats on and on
tempered by loneliness
it just wants to belong

now waking up
to humanity’s role
to know peace on Earth
is humanity’s goal

a grateful heart
knows its never alone
coming together
new seeds are sown

we are growing
a new world
with love

gagi     07/23/24

Mastery of the Interlude

Mastery of the Interlude

the interlude between
now and the past
has archived the best
we’ve let go of the rest

the interlude between
now and what’s next
is mapping the new
in a vibrant new text
of vibration and colour

we are present here now
we are being shown how
to master the change

gagi     07/22/24

Shifting of Seasons

Shifting of Seasons

the shifting of seasons
is felt when they change
especially when the sun
has travelled its whole range

it turns and returns
on the horizon at dawn
as days shorten or lengthen
a new season carries on

it is the same in our lives
spring, summer and fall
and when we reach winter
we tend to review it all

how we choose to spend the winter
is an extraordinary thing
there is a newness to life
with the gratitude we sing

gagi     07/21/24