

the ability to be flexible
as we rally forth
in our choices
from now on

a time to be proactive
to know the truth within our hearts
to change direction in support of
the unity we feel
in our desire for peace, a loving presence
and a stability that’s real

gagi     02/09/25

Sacred Partnership

Sacred Partnership

we may travel different time lines
until a merging occurs
our journeys thru many lifetimes
are now just a blur

somewhere with an intent
a desire to serve
we are drawn together
strands of one nerve

combining our strengths
deeply entwined
a sacred partnership is built
a new structural design

gagi     02/07/25

Seeking the Truth

Seeking the Truth

seeking the truth
our heart knows the way
feeling the parameters
it will have its say

the heart is a sensory organ divine
its origin connected
to outside of time

we breathe thru the heart
it radiates love
it takes command of our actions
when sourced from original love

gagi     02/07/25