The Beholder

The Beholder

beauty is in the eye of the beholder
quantify that from within
the glory and the richness of all present
be still and drink it all in

gagi     07/26/27

Emptied of Thoughts

Emptied of Thoughts

marry the insider
become one with thyself
know your true nature
hidden inside is your wealth

the treasure of being
connected to all
when mind is emptied of thoughts
we can then hear the call

the call to service
to love and be love
to simply be that presence
it is what we’re made of

gagi     07/14/24

Serpentine Movement

Serpentine Movement

freedom, flexible
belly to the ground
able to express itself
sensitive to sound

a single line
represents so many shapes
it can even join itself
when a circle it makes

gagi     07/13/24