

if we were the fairies
and Earth was the child
what would change her into
enchanting, beguiled?

natural beauty
enhanced by how we chose to live
habitats blending into
imaginative efforts we would give

and could we not do this right now
from the love held within
creating beauty and harmony
in every space we live in?

honouring the child
young planet Earth
changing our world
a total re-birth

gagi     07/24/24

Enter the Playground

Enter the Playground

enter the playground
of All that Is
reserve your questions
and simply allow
get lost in the vastness
you will be shown how
to simply live
no destination
no time
pure beingness

gagi      07/18/24

A Sense of Relief

A Sense of Relief

what is it we are waiting for?
it is already here
quantum renewal
has been kicked into high gear

a sense of surprise
as we get clarity on what is present
and finding ourselves
in a state of calm acceptance

there is a relief too
knowing we can let go of the stories
our journey onways
will be built on brand-new glories

we are totally present
totally okay
open to all possibilities
and to come what may

gagi      07/04/24