Sparked by Dynamite

Sparked by Dynamite

are we not in highly explosive times?
does it really take such extremes
to create change in this world?

there are some who are choosing
to shock the world into change
risking devastating repercussions
with the desire to rearrange
all structures and systems

peaceful protest is accruing
absorbing the shock
sparked by the extremes
against which our hearts have always fought
in the interest of peace and compassion

gagi     02/08/25

Working Together

Working Together

sometimes when we are working together
there is an awareness that we
we are not one, two or three
together we are a we
in infinite

then recognized
it no longer feels right
to use a monetary exchange
for what truly is an experience
of gratitude and of a deep sharing
that is sacred and therefore priceless

then the what if?
what if we embraced collaboration
writing a book, teaching a course, a website?
we are all artists of sorts and our work is our joy
may we celebrate these our gifts and in turn employ
a spirit of collaboration into a new gift of co-creation

gagi     02/06/25

Peace and Possibilities

Peace and Possibilities

the possibilities for peace
rest in communication
it is not about one side or the other
it is the space in between

a space to share all perspectives
to ponder and question
to recognize what we choose
ultimately impacts us all

we must recognize our old patterns
of wanting not giving
simplifying our needs
stepping out of the material world

what can we share?
what can be gifted away?
how can we re-direct our spending?
how can we live a new way?

gagi     02/03/25