Disrupted Calm

Disrupted Calm

it is the outer world that can disrupt
the calm held within
recognize the patterns
step back, re-begin

others’ stuff
can even be intentionally set
to rattle your calmness
to seek reaction and get
the satisfaction of knowing
they have the power to affect
the presence, that sacred presence
we honour and hold

let it be
step back and be free
of the chaos out there
and with a simple prayer
return to your calm

gagi      07/20/24

Love Life

Love Life

love life
and all that is living
such a gift to behold
let us share in the giving
by observing, appreciating
and honouring
the beauty, diversity, abundance
knowing that we too can enhance
this gift of life

gagi      07/20/24

The Spice of Life

The Spice of Life

that spice of life
all that joy and the fun
the recipe for happiness
let the whole world become

gagi     07/14/24