Calling in my Council

Calling in my Council

calling in my council
for i have been afraid
my life’s purpose has felt altered
and i must leave this scene unpaid

the wisdom keepers gather
they know the life i’ve lived
they tell me not to feel i’ve failed
for my purpose has been to give

when one’s love has been rejected
when one questions what was believed
when patterns keep repeating
how can one’s purpose be retrieved?

i am told to turn the volume down
not to focus on what was heard
to give it time to settle down
to go quiet and observe

exhaustion has been a catalyst
yet i have spoken my truth
if things can change it will feel strange
what miracle could give me proof?

from the counsel that was given
new wisdom for me has risen
my heart can survive
it can never be imprisoned

love cannot be destroyed
just re-employed
ask and it shall be given
seek and ye shall find
knock and it shall be opened unto you
the blessings of a prayer

gagi     09/17/23

Hallowed Halls

Hallowed Halls

the hallowed halls
of universal love
the sacred residence of the One
the One who is the sum
of All That Is
and to whom we pray
hallowed be thy name

an ancient term
of a sacred presence
let us not skip over
a phrase we have learnt
let us pause and honour
its meaning

gagi      06/14/24

A Life and Legacy

A Life and Legacy

that silver lining
to the fearless and bold
ready to stand for
the truth that was untold

now an inspiration
to never give up
we all make a difference
holding hope in our Cup*

gagi     02/18/24

*as in the Eucharist
a poem dedicated to the life & legacy of Alexei Navalny