Hallowed Halls

Hallowed Halls

the hallowed halls
of universal love
the sacred residence of the One
the One who is the sum
of All That Is
and to whom we pray
hallowed be thy name

an ancient term
of a sacred presence
let us not skip over
a phrase we have learnt
let us pause and honour
its meaning

gagi      06/14/24

A Life and Legacy

A Life and Legacy

that silver lining
to the fearless and bold
ready to stand for
the truth that was untold

now an inspiration
to never give up
we all make a difference
holding hope in our Cup*

gagi     02/18/24

*as in the Eucharist
a poem dedicated to the life & legacy of Alexei Navalny

Proximal Conditioning

Proximal Conditioning

on the Earth plane
we become comfortable with
that which is close to us
the familiar

both paraxial and proximal
relate to what is alongside
and what is centred within
awareness is key

our conditioning
requires constant repositioning
working in refinement
constant realignment

within all that is
be aware of the saying
familiarity breeds contempt
as in the biblical translation

“A prophet is not without honour,” He said, “except in his hometown and in his own household” … where who we have been known as, as a close           associate, often blocks the recognition/acceptance of who we have become

gagi     09/28/23

translation from Gospel of Mark 6:1-6  & also from Mathew 13:55-57