Happy Birthday Mother

Happy Birthday Mother

happy birthday Mother
blessed be the day you were born
please share with us your guidance
as you always do night and morn

the shared:
 celebrate as a family
and with those who join you to play
we are learning from each other
listen deeply to what each will say

market the fruits of your labours
share your abundance in life
cherish the beauty around you
slow down… appreciate with delight

love your neighbours around you
honour the diversity of man
know you are loved by all mothers
offering support every way
that they can

gagi     10/17/24

Patiently Waiting

Patiently Waiting

patiently waiting for
trusting the source
the guidance stays strong
it is our main resource

checking, rechecking
knowing its truth
until thru the act of acceptance
it becomes our living proof

gagi     08/20/24

Planetary Pilgrims

Planetary Pilgrims

we have often heard the delineation of
men are from Mars/women are from Venus
a metaphor for how we experience love

a metaphoric continuation with the purpose of
what the genders are seeking – why they both came to Earth
was it to give birth to the new humanity?

generational progress was necessary to transgress
the old ways where separation stayed
preventing unity and wholeness

we are entering the times when all will align
from heart of the Heavens to heart of the Earth
the flow is giving rise to the birth of
a new Humanity, a new planet Earth
products of Love

gagi     04/25/24