

if we were the fairies
and Earth was the child
what would change her into
enchanting, beguiled?

natural beauty
enhanced by how we chose to live
habitats blending into
imaginative efforts we would give

and could we not do this right now
from the love held within
creating beauty and harmony
in every space we live in?

honouring the child
young planet Earth
changing our world
a total re-birth

gagi     07/24/24



moderation, temperance
may be the theme of the day
but what happens if we let go of this
when we are at play?

total exuberance
being the fun
expanding our horizons
letting old ways be undone

calling in the children
and the ocean’s Poseidon
being elemental
beyond any horizon

even that word palingenesia
the regeneration of a new world
embracing the newness
of a spiral uncurled

opened to be seen
where we have never been
a re-genesis
of life

gagi     06/24/24

Habitual Determination

Habitual Determination

from a very young age
we start to engage
with a determination to find
answers of every kind

the seeking is fun
imagination is at play
and the game we engaged in
could last out all day

gagi     06/08/24