Seeking the Truth

Seeking the Truth

seeking the truth
our heart knows the way
feeling the parameters
it will have its say

the heart is a sensory organ divine
its origin connected
to outside of time

we breathe thru the heart
it radiates love
it takes command of our actions
when sourced from original love

gagi     02/07/25

Circular Patterns

Circular Patterns

circular patterns
spinning with ease
polar alignment
causing a freeze

a slowing down, a halting
then attracted to a core
spherical formations
created more and more

an energy gathers
the spheres into a spin
one direction
and then they all begin
to dance together

gagi     09/18/24

Happenstance IV

Happenstance IV

the word has appeared
recognized from before
and yes three poems are archived
now more to explore

on this desk rests a book that was written
The Synchronicity Key
the power of words
are they speaking to me?

to read or to have someone read to you
has always been a joy to behold
the sounds, expressions, the words
to listen to
open a doorway our lives’ library we hold

we travel to the beyond
we are always welcomed there
and the guidance offered
is divinely timed

what is the message, the coincidence
the happenstance
of this moment in time?
is it The Law of One?

gagi     05/07/24