Quantum Mechanics II

Quantum Mechanics II

quantum mechanics
juxtaposed design
favoured for the all complete
mirrored and aligned

gagi     07/19/24

Creativity Beyond

Creativity Beyond

creativity beyond
what we’ve had experience of
a mastery of consciousness
and the many levels of
the stages of our brain waves
now aware we are capable of
initiating each level
receiving the answers
the guidance, the love
experiential understanding
of what we are capable of
no limitations for the destiny of humanity
moving beyond fear, suffering, even insanity
to a place of peace, joy, gratitude and love
working together to create all we’ve dreamed of
practicing and sharing as perpetual seekers
until we’ve become the passionate teachers
teachers of the New
the New Way

gagi 05/28/24
inspired by experiencing a new level of consciousness yesterday, so very tired, kept returning to sleep, felt like receiving a download that lasted all day yet able to help others in a very small way & be aware of the flow of synchronicities that kept arriving including a reminder of the work of José Silva that was studied, mastered and is now taught by the creator of Mindvalley, Vishen Lakhiani
please go to Mindvalley.com

Gift of a Life

Gift of a Life

the child
birthed as
a gift of creation
welcomed with love
a little teacher in right relation
with peace as they sleep
their joy as they awaken
growing into a lifetime
where time is then taken
to observe, learn and become
a gift to be shared

gagi     02/06/24