Sacred Partnership

Sacred Partnership

we may travel different time lines
until a merging occurs
our journeys thru many lifetimes
are now just a blur

somewhere with an intent
a desire to serve
we are drawn together
strands of one nerve

combining our strengths
deeply entwined
a sacred partnership is built
a new structural design

gagi     02/07/25

Working Together

Working Together

sometimes when we are working together
there is an awareness that we
we are not one, two or three
together we are a we
in infinite

then recognized
it no longer feels right
to use a monetary exchange
for what truly is an experience
of gratitude and of a deep sharing
that is sacred and therefore priceless

then the what if?
what if we embraced collaboration
writing a book, teaching a course, a website?
we are all artists of sorts and our work is our joy
may we celebrate these our gifts and in turn employ
a spirit of collaboration into a new gift of co-creation

gagi     02/06/25

One Seed

One Seed

it just takes one seed
to feel the warmth from above
one seed to feel cherished and loved
one seed who holds its potential within
one seed to respond and have its journey begin

one seed can grow
into an almighty tree
one seed who didn’t know
what it was destined to be

nourished and cared for
rooted in fertile soil
readied to provide

growing and growing and becoming its strength
fulfilling its destiny in roots, width and length
stretching towards the heavens
and to the heart of the Earth

blossoming, seeding
the more

gagi     02/06/25