Of Water and Love

Of Water and Love

sun shines thru the tiny water drops
rainbow beads of light that we love
each one glistens like a pearl
holding the wisdom
from the heavens above

what is held in the waters
is the wholeness of Love
readied for the arrival
of all we’ve dreamed of
of a total rebirth

a rebirth of our homeland
this one we call Earth

gagi     06/29 & 30/24

I Feel You

I Feel You

i feel you
hands on your chest
and your touch on me
is such a beautiful test
of our Oneness

eyes closed
we are breathing as one
hearing the nothingness
we are the sum
of all that is

time is erased
in the pureness of Love
we are graced
by the presence of God

all thoughts are gone
in the quiet and still
we are blessed by a Oneness
a choice of our will

gagi     04/29/24



the ebb of the night into the day
all we have witnessed
now held at bay

we felt we understood
and the path was clear ahead
now so much is emerging
compressed time cannot be fed

the spiral, a task of completing the old
is now paused to ask ourselves
where can we personally change
to be the free and the bold?

the information age
has gifted the answers
we know the steps
we are the dancers

we must stop and desist
all that is out of integrity
old patterns replaced
with stillness and grace

we are the future
of the whole human race
allow the confusion
in all its profusion

it has a purpose it seems
to erase the illusion
of being separate personas
we truly are the sum
achieving a Oneness
as a new era has begun

gagi      06/17/24