So Simple

So Simple

it is so simple
it is so very simple
the answer is
to be love

the answer to all our questions
the key to understanding our perceptions
the inner reality of who we are
the desire to radiate to
and receive from the Mar
the ocean of infinite love

to send out love
to all those who suffer
to step back to view
and sometimes uncover
we too have those emotions
we too have been reactive
the blessing is that now
we can be, yes be proactive
and generate love

with compassion and understanding
we are in a position of commanding
ourselves to be empathetic
and simply be love

gagi     03/06/21

Shadow Tank

Shadow Tank

lost in our midst
forever forlorn
emerges the residue
even there when we’re born

part of our journey
from one lifetime to the next
the unfinished pieces
release, be refreshed

a practice is helpful
an awareness to heed
our emotions will signal
what to question and believe

to be freed from the past
from what we did not understand
we live our true wholeness
peaceful and loving
we are in command

in command of our future
caring for one and for all
life is so precious
let us answer the call

gagi     02/28/21

Focus on the Eyes

Focus on the Eyes

focus on the eyes
masking out the mouth
what expressions do we see?
what communications do we read?

sympathy and laughter
anger, sometimes hurt
puzzlement and wonder
tiredness and mirth

love and so much joy
gratitude and peace
every emotion
to hold onto or release

quiet long connections
or abrupt responses that can’t be hidden
the language of the eyes
can even have us do what we’ve been bidden

perhaps we do not need to speak
as we can communicate with our eyes
the total honesty of expressed emotions
does not need to be disguised

gagi     02/15/21