On This One

On This One

Peace and fulfilment
then we will be content
When do we arrive?
How do we get there?

Spin the web
Enough is said
We know our places
on this one

Embark – yes go
Be in the flow
We’re to be carried thru
on this one

What we seek
to be complete
is fragile
yet attainable

Let go of thought
or we’ll be caught
in a cycle back
thru time

Go first to the heart.
It’s where to start
and feel our way
on this one

We’ve learnt to feel
and not to conceal
as they surface

And as we’ve felt
as a stoic Celt
or an effervescent
Tibetan –

We’ve felt it all
and the new call
is to feel our way
before we say
or think
or act
too quickly

What you feel
please don’t repeal
Feel then ask
what is it?

The answer comes true
and is linked to you
and your wisdom from
the ages

The wisdom we carry
is stored to be accessed
And the key to access it
is a feeling in transit

The wisdom will surface
and that is the purpose
of having experienced

Pulled to the poles,
flipped by the contrasts
mirrored by opposites
been there
done that
seen it

We won’t remember what’s said
but we’ll remember the dread
We won’t remember the details
but we’ll retain how it all feels
We’ll remember the highs
We’ll remember the lows
Its how the wisdom is stored
and the answers explored

Ask for access to this treasure
Its value is truly beyond measure
What lesson was learned
from that feeling discerned?

The answer to this one
is the thread that can be spun
into a vision
into a mission

The wisdom acquired
will leave us inspired
fuelling our passion
and leading to action

And action and doing
it is the clueing
the clue to creation
and true emancipation

Step up and do
You are one of the few
who have readied themselves
for the new

Source from the heart
That’s where to start
Feel it
then link it
to the wisdom accessible
Let the wisdom then guide to
right action or actions divisible

Our actions will accumulate
Our doings will orchestrate
a magnificent blending
a beginning not ending

The time is upon you
The curtain call is your cue
The old play has ended
The new theatre is splendid

You are assigned your parts
No rehearsal is needed
Step into your role
the one that you seeded
Great Spirit as director
but we’re all the playwrights

Create and live through it
Have passion, yes, imbue it
Lead with the heart,
the heart in every part

Fill the stage with our numbers
Fill the theatre with Light
Oh sing with our hearts
On this one


Ask not “what do you think?”
Ask “how did that make you feel?”
“What did you feel?”
That will reveal
access to wisdom

gagi   08/21/13

Towards Infinity

Towards Infinity

Pick up your pen and let it flow
Towards infinity we must go
Absent is all that blocks our path
Be the light – yes carry the staff

Wait out the storm
It soon will pass
The calm is there
for those with care

Care to be eternity
Care to serve and care to be free
Free to choose the path ahead
Navigating without fear or dread

Space holders brave
united thus
with others holding along with us

Infinite time and infinite space
guided from that internal place
Observers seeking clarity
make over the vision of eternity

Expand above
Expand below
with hearts of love
expand the glow

The glow of Light
can be seen from afar
The warmth of Love
fills the Mar

To be unseen
is sacred work
To give one’s love
expands one’s girth

Expand above
Expand below
With tidings of peace
to our Earth we sow

Speak not of trying
Speak not of dying
Expand with knowing
the peace we are sowing

The peace we are sowing
comes from our hearts not mind
Walk gently dear friends
being loving and kind

Hold out our hands
and feel our way
in the shifting sands
there’s movement at play

The sands of time have run their course
Let not one grain hold any remorse
Know that each speck of sand is ours
shared with the many who have gone before

Let go of frustration
for it is the castration
of the very pith of the Tree

Memorize not
There’s nothing forgot
It stays in the expanse of now

Bridge the expanses
Creating our own dances
So light
So light
And free

Move always beyond
dance always beyond
towards infinity

gagi     TBL

San Andreas

San Andreas

San Andreas
Find no fault
Just a meeting of the differences

Is the key
To peace and easing friction

As a serpent needle
We can weave
And stitch the sides together

Back and forth
Creating strength
And allowing stretch
Down its full length

Using a cross stitch
We’ll soon find
The fault’s in seeing differences
And drawing a line

gagi     TBL