What is Gold?

What is Gold?

what is gold?
can it be bought and sold?
what is it we’ve been told?
can it be melted? poured into a mould?

is this the definition we choose to hold?
or is that a perception that is simply old?

what is a golden light?
why name it the Golden Rule?
who is that golden child?
what was the Golden Age?
when are our golden years?
what is the golden mean?
the golden ratio?

representing freedom
desirable, best

time to re-define
is gold not golden?
a message is beholden
refined, re-defined, bold
this, the true meaning of gold

gagi   08/08/18



gram – grandmother
insta – instant/faery presence

call on our grandmothers
they will appear
loving and interested
in all that they hear

share of our worries
share of our dreams
gram is listening
gram’s on our team

peaceful coordinates
expiring soon
to be realigned
every change of the moon

the ebb and the flow
emotional waves
insta-gram captures, shows us
how each wave behaves

gagi   03/03/18



to awaken our senses
to enliven our palette
creating a memory
enhancing a salad

sprinkling an essence
tossing it in
a new recipe in life
a new way to begin

spice it up
create something new
life’s experiences
are growing you

gagi   03/02/18