Ocean Energy

Ocean Energy

turbulent times upon our planet Earth
masking the emergence of a total rebirth
consciousness growing
sometimes an ebbing then flowing
of our potential to create the new

positioned to be
the change that we see
with innovative and useful designs
capturing the power
being the endower
of the technology with creative solutions

solutions for pollutions
solutions to provide
the necessities that all need to live

clean water and air
and the answer to our prayer
energy accessible, storable
and safe

bring on the investors
become the future questers
and collaborate in creating the new

we’re so close to completing
the models we’re needing
to demonstrate the power to be
global solutions
creative conclusions
using ocean energy that’s free

gagi    07/15/17

Pathways to Oblivion

Pathways to Oblivion

onto geneva, there are pathways to oblivion
constructing destruction of creation’s own ways
pathways of the oblivious to the sacred dimensions
changelings of nature bring maternal dismay

westward the emotional, intentional substance
carrying the juices of the new creational flow
marginal understanding of what is emerging
still to take form in the physical mode

persistence is equivalent to the needs of the sentries
those who watch for and over the ways
the ways of the systems pre-emergent complexities
there to restrain those who would dismantle the displays

gagi      12/23/15

Water Retention

Water Retention

there is no up or down
only where you stand on the ground
if you live at the south pole
you do not hang upside down

why is this important to know?
the Earth balances on an axis from pole to pole
what forces have caused this planet to tip?
historically speaking, it has been known to flip

asked where the safest place to be for a flip
a child answered, at the waist (not the hip)
meaning the equator, it would stay the same
for the rest of us, it would be a new game

as the glaciers and ice caps continue to melt
and the Earth spins, is there a bulge at her belt?
does her waist expand with her water retention
are there other imbalances she’d like to mention?

the following is important to mention
for as the moon and the planets align
there is a tug on Earth’s axis and spine
to stay in alignment and continue to spin
is the way we want each day to begin

gagi      12/21/15