March Forth

March  Forth
march forth
as a team
fly, project
as a beam
so much of creation
we’re holding within
time to release it
to a creative new stream
connecting the bubbles
playing with form
gaps and the building blocks
of the love matrix born
held and enchanted
creation’s new mixer
bubbling forth
behold the elixir
the elixir of life
take a stride, join the march
the power to be
all we want to bring forth
gagi     03/04/14



there is some confusion
on what it means today

some are of the persuasion
it is of the equation
do unto others as you would
have them do unto you

in the extreme sense
an eye for an eye
a tooth for a tooth
extremely punitive
where’s the proof
that this is justice?

retribution can also be
the nemesis we often see
our shadow side
and is it pride
that has us look the other way
not recognizing we’ve come to play?

reflecting and rejecting
owning and disowning
embracing and displacing
sparring and debarring –
the game of renewal
must have our approval

to fully participate
we must let go of the antiquate
question retributive justice
explore restore-ative and
transform-ative ways
to bring balance and understanding
into our plays

gagi      03/02/14

A Pleasing Template

A Pleasing Template

a clean slate
new moon today
a new beginning
time to play

the old erased
to be replaced
now an empty space
a sacred place

to create the new
design, invent
we have the tools
for what they’re meant

the pen, the brush
the ball of clay
are made of Love
with Love we’ll play

the colours, textures
shapes we’ll use
a blend of lives
and wisdoms fused

we’re not alone
my life is yours
we share the oneness
right to our cores

and so together
as we create
the new forms become
the new template

let us shine
with Love and Light
let us be happy
joyous, bright

let us play
and celebrate
every aspect of
what we create

and as we learn
and grow some more
let there always be room
to freely explore

and add to Creation
with a loving touch
a new ingredient
agreed upon as such

a scent, a sound
a taste that’s sweet
knowing Creation’s journey
is never complete

and the gift we have
is to begin right now
with love and choices
we truly know how

to come together
and to create
the most wondrous
imaginative, pleasing

gagi        03/01/14