

Peacock became a symbol
of splendour and strength
that spread throughout the world
thru its width and its length

a gift of the gods
representing them too
a colourful portrayal
for what they can do

let us explore deeply
how this image evolved
why was it chosen?
what puzzle was solved?

birds are often the symbol
of power and rarity
eagle, swan, hummingbird
also symbols without parity

yet the splendour and colour
of the peacock’s display
and feathers with eyes
what does it say?

so unique and so special
and cherished this bird
it travelled from India
to places unheard

and yet silent and unrecognized
there is one who is more
it is the peahen who delivers
the young to each door

it was not just the peacock
who was traded and kept
it was his mate, plain clothed,
disguised and adept

adept at giving birth
birth to the new
generations, inspirations
to more than a few

so let us not be fooled
by the colourful displays

what would happen now
if we appreciated the plain
the gentle, the quiet
often given no name

who nurtures and carries on
without fanfare or fame
heralding the rebirth?
yes, recognize we came
from the Mother whose love
cherishes all as the same

gagi     05/26/14



The plateau of excellence
Olympus on high
A climb from the basics
To reach for the sky
The passage of striving
From the common to more
No longer the satisfaction
Of being on the ground floor
To reach for the heights
The extraordinary pursuits
Climbing, achieving
going thru the hoops
Asking the gods, the teachers
As we strive
To imbibe of their powers
So that we may arrive
At the top of Olympus
Victorious, alive
Triumphant, exalted
Knowing we can thrive
Taking on other challenges
Experienced, with drive
With clear focus, empowered

Challenges imbibed

gagi     05/13/14



Thru the portal of our body
We are built to receive
Nothing to do
To learn or believe

Into this paradise
We were gifted to be
To attune to our senses
To feel and to see

Passionate hearts
Receive and take note
Sending experience to brain
To record, stay afloat

Yet even just this
Can go unrecorded
Like a flight on a plane
Taken but not boarded

To surrender and be
Allowing the flow
A happy observer
With nowhere to go

gagi   05/07/14