An Interruption

An Interruption

an interruption has occurred today
a splice in time was framed to stay
magnified resonance has occurred
the past elapsed and memory blurred

filaments of light arrived to stay
marking the commencement of the new way
bridling constraints released now gone
checkpoints alerted no longer conform

precious segues have entered the field
potential margins waiting to yield
alerted tuned waves building to press
against the membranes holding the rest

captured filaments, strands of unknown
swirling together creating a zone
thickened, then liquid when observed
ready to be poured into the unheard

earthward below contained within
a symmetry to what was seen could begin
swirling filaments of energy light
come to fuse together, brilliantly bright

once observed and completely unheard
the formation of a sun has just occurred
it exists – it is done – it was planned – it has come
now to be balanced by the magic of one

gagi   03/22/15

Feeling the Presence

Feeling the Presence

feeling the presence
of something that’s here
it feels quite familiar
there’s nothing to fear

is it an answer
to something we’ve asked?
has it arrived
for to teach us it’s task?

or is it for recognizing
an aspect of ourselves
wanting to be known
as deeper we delve

into the mystery
into those depths
seeking whole presence
of what we have kept

kept hidden, quite dormant
now time to bring forth
all wanting to participate
as we align to the north

gagi   03/20/15

Everyone is Doing the Best that They Can

Everyone is Doing the Best that They Can

everyone is doing the best that they can
recognize this and all judgement is banned
filled with compassion for those who have suffered
wanting them to feel they’ve been nurtured and mothered

mankind has a history of misunderstanding the pain
that causes retaliation so nothing is gained
may pardon and forgiveness rise at this time
may we learn from our past and see mirrored at last
aspects of ourselves in all that we see
and learn to reach out, to love and to free
others who are trapped by what seems not to be
available to all

may all feel loved
may the abundance be shared
may everyone know that someone has cared

gagi   03/17/15