

communication from the soul is the hierechy of communication
no annexation, no supplication
simply open, clear, free-flow
guidance, totality, all to know

open the doors, the windows too
let in the voice, let in the view
abstract in form, unseen perhaps
very present to one who turns on the taps

gagi   04/11/15

Hierechy….new word…hier (leader) + echy (to have) like in the Greek word entelechy that is translated from entel (complete/finished/perfect) + echy (to have)…Aristotle used this word to represent complete realization…when the potential is actualized

the word echy when googled is the name of a company in France using technology to transport sunlight into the core of buildings…their logo is “get connected to the sun”

And on This Day

And On This Day

and on this day
and so it is
a joyful beginning
or an abyss?

some will know
some feel the shift
others still shrouded
by the myst

the myst of time
the myst of illusion
separates and
causes confusion

primal mistakes
primal concerns
have gifted seekers
with all they’ve learned

and so it is
as vision clears
a joyful balance
and shift in gears

and the change will be
the gear that shifts
is of a vehicle
beyond the mysts

to navigate
in a brand new way
yet the choice is there
if we want to stay

gagi   04/11/15

defining abyss – http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/abyss

“the primal chaos before Creation”



you know your calling
it’s ever present in your days
the solutions that you seek
are at the readying phase

know you have the skills
know you have aligned
know others are joining
it’s implementation time

time to implement
all that you have learned
new ways you have envisioned
for all that you have yearned

energies are so supportive
on levels you cannot see
know the universes are assisting
assisting you and we

capture all the strings and strands
and tie them in a knot
let them radiate and grow
from that singular spot

don’t worry about numbers
your infinite numbers will grow
just anchor all in a knot or ball
so the intersection you will know

as each string and strand expands
and lengthens as it’s fed
new intersections will be formed
that will strengthen our new web

gagi   04/09/15