Peace Circles

Peace Circles

peace circles are settled
communication is free
always there is movement
and a willingness to see

to see, understand
others’ perspectives
then reaching agreement
to new directives

gagi   08/08/18

What is Gold?

What is Gold?

what is gold?
can it be bought and sold?
what is it we’ve been told?
can it be melted? poured into a mould?

is this the definition we choose to hold?
or is that a perception that is simply old?

what is a golden light?
why name it the Golden Rule?
who is that golden child?
what was the Golden Age?
when are our golden years?
what is the golden mean?
the golden ratio?

representing freedom
desirable, best

time to re-define
is gold not golden?
a message is beholden
refined, re-defined, bold
this, the true meaning of gold

gagi   08/08/18

Marginal Infractures

Marginal Infractures

marginal infractures, broken yet yearning
held in place by wanting to belong
separation still possible with the pressures so present
what is needed to heal and make strong?

composite infills of structural bonding
stages of renewal and compounding the base
maintaining the process with constant reviewing
with positional merging and putting in place

fractional balance implied with the strengthening
supra-defined as to the poles
measurable placements encouraged by sampling
the textures and tones of the whole

gagi   08/08/18