Turning Off the Taps

Turning Off the Taps

an intention leads to action
protection, conservation
and we turn off the taps
hoping to encourage more conversation

supplies are not unlimited
perhaps they come and go
even sometimes seasonal
an interrupted flow

the sharing and protection
of every single thing
brings an appreciation of
how precious the gifts they bring

the taps turned off
protecting the supply, the source
giving time to rebalance
and then to chart a new course

sometimes the very climate
that we find ourselves in
can damage how all is supplied
shutting down the ability to deliver
all that once was prized

turning off the taps
is always a choice
sustainability and balance
so we may share and rejoice

gagi     01/13/20

Emotional Bifurcation

Emotional Bifurcation

stop, listen and define
what emotion is now thine?
how did it get there
and what does it define?

it may not be what we figured
for other emotions can be triggered
each emotion has a message
that’s where a branching occurs

our emotions are so helpful
as they define who we are
identify then branch to question
who? how? why? what? where? when?
and the answers will depend
on are we building a story
or seeking to understand?

gagi     01/04/20

The Multitudes

The Multitudes

ask, listen and receive
the multitudes are present
like surround sound of the many
one voice gives their assent

instead of the mind playing all scenarios
and the imagination engaged
simply ask which choice is best
and a new configuration will be staged

experience the freedom
and the emotional content
when surrendering to the multitudes
then receiving what was meant

gagi     01/04/20

“meant” refers to the golden mean