Fear II

Fear II

quantum denial
can fear exist?
are we out of alignment
is there distortion? a twist?

sometimes a gut feeling
sometimes a thought
recognize, identify
and at that point stop

go now to stillness
and empty out all
stay with our still-point
then listen for the call

we are surrounded by
those wanting to be
our champions, our expansiveness
our own library

ask for their guidance
ask for assistance
and from our place of stillness
the answers will arrive
dissolving any fear
so we may walk on and thrive

gagi    01/17/20

N’er a Mistake

N’er a Mistake

as we journey thru the evermore
oft we recognize we’ve been here before
arrival at a junction point
and do we then pause to make a choice?
do we consult with our inner voice?

as we travel and our wisdom grows
our experiential library itself now knows
whichever path we come to choose
is n’er a mistake, we cannot lose

the dignity of courage and of intent
takes our soul on a journey that is meant
to grow into the oneness from whence we came
and return to our wholeness in this endless game

gagi      01/16/20




we must be
infinite expansion, integration, redesign
an ever unfolding oneness refined

the ego dissolved
identity evolved
shared comprehension
into the multi-dimension
we be

gagi    01/14/20