The Oracle

The Oracle

oh to be an oracle
the seer of the future
to see the wounds that could become
and mend them with a suture

gagi      09/12/18

The Emergence of Greatness

The Emergence of Greatness

where does it come from
this emergence of greatness?
are we born into a birthing
part of the divine matrix?

birthed as the new
with a potential unlimited
then an environment so supportive
that the outcome is definitive

every step of the way
as if given the map
intrigued by the opportunities
of each spiralling lap

not knowing what comes next
hidden by the curve
but proceeding with purpose
with the purpose to serve

a lifetime of giving
of self and abilities
celebrating family and friendships
with their supportive stabilities

and who but the we
who have known and loved you
speak to now honour your greatness

to honour your greatness
with the legacy of love
that you grew

gagi      09/11/18

The Eye of the Tiger

The Eye of the Tiger

presence is crucial
that an observer may see
an awareness so intimate
it is judgementally free

free from comparing
free from even naming
free from past reference points
free from time-framing

present and observing
allowing to unfold
recognizing patterns emerging
from both the spoken and untold

the infinite eye
able to see the very fibre
of what is emerging
via the eye of the tiger

gagi      09/11/18