

weaving the tapestry
on a multi-dimensional loom
feeding, nurturing
as aspects of the womb

the womb of creation
a new tapestry to complete
each taking a thread
perhaps folding a pleat

weaving in the love
and the wisdom to be born
bringing new textures
and colours into form

infinite combinations
creating the beauty
weavers working together
immersed in sacred duty

gagi      05/31/15

Spatial Awareness II

Spatial Awareness II

spatial awareness carefully defined
multi-dimensional where all are aligned
awareness of surroundings defines the outer space
having a central point is how each shape relates

relating from a central point
could that point be defined too?
could it be a star gateway?
a gateway to experiencing something new?

being still, feeling into
the whole spacial expanse
feels like shrinking in to view
the magnificence of the celestial dance

gagi     05/30/15 & 05/31/15

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

  • to help bring forth the evolving human within me, in the world and in harmony with other evolving dimensions by the sharing of our perspectives
  • to evolve into my full potential, as a loving being, as a co-creator of the emerging multi-dimensions
  • to attune to the source of creativity in people and to bring it forth by seeing it fully in the field of resonance, recognition and appreciation
  • to fully contribute to enhancing the combined potential of this group and of those we can connect to with an intention to influence the global mind and both create, learn and then put into practice, new ways to co-habit on Gaia
  • to bring forth an awareness that the answer is Love
    and that the question is irrelevant
  • to continue to write, illustrate in a variety of art forms and bring forth the wisdom we are being shown and to share this in a timely way
  • to pay close attention to the synchronicities occurring and to offer assistance to those who are “showing up” or have had a continued presence…asking for guidance or support on their behalf and sharing the wisdom that “comes thru” in poetry or prose, symbolism, sound and a multitude of art forms
  • to make a difference in this world and to fully participate in the multi-dimensional co-creative process

gagi       05/29/15