The Pleasure is Mine

The Pleasure is Mine

the pleasure is mine
to offer the divine
to those who are ready
those who remain steady

and to those who will share
those who deeply care
to be the example
loving and ample

the divine is not dimensional
for its existence is essential
for the amplitude of a wave
convex and concave

understand the horizon
exists as a margin
to below and above
not to the presence of love

love exists everywhere
it’s important to be aware
for to live as the divine
is your purpose in time

a timeline or a torus
a lengthening or plethoris
the future is yours
yours to explore
to bring on the more
the divine
yours and mine
being the love

gagi      05/04/15

Group Force

Group Force

arrive and connect
become intertwined
it is time to intersect
as our purpose is defined

the group force is building
it wants to be defined
it is multi-dimensional
and it is reflecting on time

why are we meeting?
a gathering of minds?
a sharing of perspectives
to see what combines?

it is more than our knowledge
it is the feelings within
and an awareness that something
is about to begin

contribute and follow
invite in some more
it’s a time of creation
we’re about to explore

gagi   05/03/15

Your Reflection Beyond

Your Reflection Beyond

can you feel her in front
your reflection beyond?
hearts pulsing together
your infinite bond

stay there and feel her
she’s connecting with you
the mirror is dissolving
she’ll soon be as you

a sacred alignment
with your template of love
she holds all your potential
as your spirit dove

awareness then blending
acceptance then freed
your awareness is awakening
to become a new breed

gagi      05/03/15