

What is the quest?
What are the choices?
What is best?
Can you hear the voices?

Capture only
what rings true
Allow only the best
to give guidance to you

Marry the joyous and the somber too
Merry the dance and the quietude
Carry the visions that you hold dear
Empty yourself of that cellular fear

What you’re seeking that’s most important to you
is the best
The purpose of this journey – what was your request?

I came here to be
to feel and see
I came here to love
and to live and be free

I came here quite simply
just to be me
and i want to be the best,
the best i can be

I want to be connected
to my wisdom and spirit
to my divine guidance
and always to hear it

A flurry of doubts
can bury me if
i step into the storm
and get lost in the drift

I’m learning to stay centred
in the heart not the mind
and do my seeking by feeling
so the best i can find

And remembering to play
at the start of each day
to be loving and happy
in a child-like way

Only i can choose
what’s best for me, i know
I’ll share me with you
as i’m melting the snow

gagi    TBL



Sanctify the junction
Each human’s function
The junction of time
The time to align

Expand into emptiness
Float free to progress
Leave the denseness behind
You must be free to align

As we greet the new Dawn
We must align now to spawn
To spawn the New Way to be
Alignment is the key

So we must know where we are
Positioned as a star
Balanced with our opposite
Allowing movement then transit

Transit through the pivot point
The mercurial axle and a joint
To the multi-dimensions
To the place of ascensions
To love

gagi     TBL





There blossoms through the ages
Many developing progressive stages
Each stage is fed by the one before
Each as it blossoms shows an open door

Each door leads to a new way of living
To new ways to receive and new ways of giving
Each stage has a key that unlocks the heart
Each doorway we walk through has a message to impart

Through this life and through each lifetime
The corridors extend like an endless timeline
Doorways leading to expansion of beauty
Opportunities to serve in sacred duty

And then ahead we feel completion
The opportunities sought have reached depletion
And as we slow to a place of contentment
We are aware we have reached that stage of

Betweenment is the empty space
Where silence and stillness reside with grace
When heart and mind are one and the same
Quiet yet open – love is the flame

The flame of love cannot be extinguished
And in Betweenment it cannot be diminished
This single flame burns steady and still
Burning strong in Betweenment until….

gagi     TBL