

determinate expression of the new creation
remains the unknown because the equation
must bring balance between those of opposing persuasions
with a desire to come into right relation – then pause

now allowing the emergence of what is to be
and the attenuation of it needing to be
the way we wanted so as to be able
to welcome the new

gagi     03/11/21

So Simple

So Simple

it is so simple
it is so very simple
the answer is
to be love

the answer to all our questions
the key to understanding our perceptions
the inner reality of who we are
the desire to radiate to
and receive from the Mar
the ocean of infinite love

to send out love
to all those who suffer
to step back to view
and sometimes uncover
we too have those emotions
we too have been reactive
the blessing is that now
we can be, yes be proactive
and generate love

with compassion and understanding
we are in a position of commanding
ourselves to be empathetic
and simply be love

gagi     03/06/21

Perceptual Abundance

Perceptual Abundance

the perceptions unfolding
created within
allow us to envision
where we want to begin

how far do we unfold?
which side do we view?
can we then fold or refold
to create the new?

the flat is 2 dimensional
and can be folded in infinite ways
we now enter the multi-dimensional
a new playground in which to play

perceptual abundance
is perfectly clear
imagine being on the inside
looking out from a transparent sphere

or what is it like
looking in at all it holds
or simply seeing our reflection
if we may be so bold

the abundance of our perceptions
and those we choose to believe
are shaping our new world vision
it is we who will conceive

gagi     03/06/21