

I believe you have something to share?


There is no lack
It is misaligned
Abundance existing
tho hard to find

Many live simply
Their needs are few
Their happiness quotient
is high and true

Others have access
to more than they need
Sometimes it is wanting
Sometimes it’s greed

How many clothes
do we have in our home?
Time to gift them?
Time to loan?

And what about eating
when we know best
We live longer
when we eat less

How many of our rooms
are understaffed?
Yet we heat them, cool them
with ‘lectricity or gas

If we fear we’re in danger
of running out –
what of those who
have to live without?

It is time to care
To deeply care
and practice the use
of ShareWare

We have a bouquet of flowers
and now there’s two
One is for us
and one for you

We’re going to shop
Will you come too?
Can you help carry our groceries
and we’ll drive you?

Share all you can spare
Support local

Be aware of how
others are living
Awareness ignites
the art of giving

It’s time to level
the field we play on
Draw a new picture
with pen or crayon

Draw how ALL can live together
caring and sharing
Loving and laughing
Reciprocal pairing

If we gave you a dare
it would be: be aware
of how many times today
you ShareWare

Share your wares

We dare

gagi     09/29/13

They’re Meant for You

They’re Meant for You

Messages Messages
They’re meant for you
Arrived by the wind
Yes in they blew

A softness, a swirling
Sometimes a gust
The tone of the message
The varied thrust

Listen, attune to
this breath on your face
It’s woven with information
as fine as fine lace

It brushes you, touches you
You hear it too
Absorb the sensations
They’re meant for you

Somewhere on a level
you may yet not know
the information is received
letting wisdom grow

Sometimes there’s a question
held in the mix
Opportunity to work on
or sometimes fix

Receiving station
The winds of the dimensions
can reach where you are

When you ask for help
the answers will come
The winds carry photons
A song is sung

gagi    09/29/13

From the Heart of the Mother

From the Heart of the Mother

From the heart of the Mother
there sings a tune
It resonates with all
We were cocooned

We were held within
that nurturing place
The liquid womb
of warmth and grace

We were held with love
so we could grow
and the miracle of life
we were soon to know

This life a gift
A cherished time
The arrival celebrated,
honoured – divine

The Mother now
she held us close
with the warmth and protection
of a heavenly host

We dreamt a lot
as we continued to grow
An awareness of surroundings
we started to know

The Mother encouraged us
with smiles and play
Our interaction and bonding
growing each day

Then came the time
Time to ex plore
Curiousity grew
We ex plored more

Mother was there
to watch us play
With wisdom and patience
she taught The Way

The Mother’s love
extended past
any challenge we met
Her help was cast

Then we were blessed
Our freedom grew
Time to seek
and to understand too

She always knows
just where we are
A bond so deep
no concept of “far”

Connected to
this love divine
we are the fruit
on humanity’s vine

gagi     09/27/13

ex – “one that formerly held a specified position or place”
plore – “an exhibit in a science museum which the visitor is encouraged to handle or otherwise explore; a hands-on exhibit”
ex plore seems to mean leaving the protection of the Mother’s field to have a hands-on experience of life