

A word has appeared
The meaning of this

Accoutrement tells us
we each carry a piece
Something very special
to bring to the feast

Yes we have sameness
but we’re each quite unique
Diverse in our backgrounds
Some new, some antique

What is the gem
we carry this time?
To come into this life
we waited in line

Anxious to be here
The changing of clocks
A brand new beginning
Would we wear stripes or spots?

What was the gem
each chose to bring here this time?
A diamond? A feather?
Profound or sublime?

What was the accoutrement
each wanted to add?
The enhancing ingredient
to spice life a tad

Unwrap that gift
We’re gathering now
Time for the gifting
Present with a bow

An accoutrement savoured
when added to life
to bring out new flavours
new potentials
new joy

Oh what a recipe
we’re about to employ!
Come to the table
and let us enjoy!

gagi       09/26/13

A Prayer for Peace

A Prayer for Peace

We gather together
to pray today
for our vision of peace
to arrive and stay

Peace in each heart
and peace in each mind
will create a new quiet
throughout all mankind

The animals know
It’s all about love
They’re sitting together
The Lion and the Dove

To honour each life
knowing it is also ours
An aspect of us
Present it with flowers

Treasure the lessons
of strength and of strife
for all have prepared us
for this new way of life

Symbols of peace
Glow day and night
Our prayer for peace
PEACE, pray ignite

gagi       09/26/13

Passageways of Time

Passageways of Time

Passageways of time
They echo within
A thought appears
and alignments begin

A thought may respond
to some outside signal
or it may come from observing
something purely enigmal

A connection is made
pulling forward or back
creating a passageway
a windward tact

Closer to what
the thought had embraced
More sensed and observed
More movement is traced

The library of images
associations and plore
specifically arrive you
at the envisioning door

The ex marks the spot
The place of return
for as we journey thru time
to return home we yearn

gagi     09/25/13