

the pendulum swings
to a vibrational host
polestars the attractors
yet you are the post

the post of alignment
from below and above
a field is established
and is powered by love

surrendered encampment
inviting in the new
juxtaposed systems
creating from the new

the power of the pendulum
helps all to align
to honour, to posture
to embody the divine

gagi     11/24/19



a dealer in mens clothing
specifically hats
still so popular
a hat for each act

the opening act
in sports or career
and what style of hat
for the future’s seeker?

then the family act
more grounded and busy
too many roles and hats
that can make one dizzy

the act that follows another
can never be rehearsed
for the opportunities given
are from where we are immersed

a lifetime of choices
destination anyone’s guess
and blessed be those
who can now live with less

living hatless

gagi     11/01/19