

is completion a task
or a sense of fulfilment?
the end of a journey
or an indication of the new?

once completion is felt
one is open to begin again
the field has been cleared
the landscape wants new form

visions of possibilities
anchored by imagination
attraction to our resonance
incoming beauty and love

gagi     07/31/21

Deep Dive

Deep Dive
a deep dive into the future
does seldom occur
try postulating end points
with others who concur
*mystery and medicine
*magic and super natural
*enhancing psychophysiology
*seeing, being the invisible
*finding composites of miracles
on and on and more
super powers preceding
what can become from the before
put on your wizard hats
take out your wands
dream what seemed impossible
attract, create new bonds
gagi     07/14/21

Freedom Sought

Freedom Sought

freedom of speech
freedom of thought
freedom of action
to pursue what is sought

freedom to be
who we want to become
freedom to share
so we become the sum

gagi     07/13/21