

flying above
viewing below
situations simmering
all seem aglow

differences heated
by lack of understanding
wanting to be right
often demanding

sometimes between two
but often much more
organizations, companies
even countries at war

it is time for each one
to sit down and feel
what can we do to
end suffering and heal

what can we birth
co-conceived by us all
a harmonious world
with no divisional wall

it is simple, so simple
as we’ll very soon discover
letting go of the past
and honouring each as our mother

a mother who birthed us
nurtured and taught
loved us unconditionally
gave what we sought

yes to different perspectives
the richness of diversity
now to honour our differences
and co-conceive a new nursery

a nursery full
of new ways to be
nurtured along
until all can be free
no more war
no more suffering
empowered to be
living in harmony
looking after all three
you, me and we

gagi      11/29/14

Aura of Love

Aura of Love

there’s an aura of love
around those tempered by grace
radiating, enveloping
especially the face

a gentleness, pureness
a knowingness too
a calm, joyful expression
inclusive to you

each aura of love
is undergoing expansion
reaching out to others
and remaining a stanchion

our world is evolving
there is a quickening here
and every loving thought
shifts a transformative gear

gagi     11/27&30/14

stanchion – an upright bar, beam, post, or support, as in a window, stall, or ship


Purposeful Intent

Purposeful Intent

aware we are here
with purposeful intent
and a passion for knowing
why we were sent

in serving with love
we show a great aptitude
adapting and flowing
living in gratitude

we are fully exposed
to all that transpires
discerning, observing
what stays or expires

reflecting without
reflecting within
seeing the patterns
and where they begin

peaceful solutions
emerge from what is
intentional conclusions
settling the fizz

gagi      11/26/14