The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life

You are invited to participate
and in your language articulate
the meaning of life…

The pleasure is ours
A significant question…

On Earth, you take so much for granted. The joy of a new birth. The sheltering. The nourishment. And on it goes. This is the life cycle of all in your biosphere. Every chipmunk. Every dog. Every tree. All life you see. Cycling on. So many are intent on getting ahead. Accumulating material wealth. Competing for the best. And what of the rest? Quagmired in eternal poverty, be it location, societal pressures, health – many, many have not a chance for survival. Survival. Now the question…the meaning of life. Do not humans consider themselves to be at the peak of the animal kingdom? And are they not ignoring the very basics of survival? Survival of a species. One species cannot survive if it has upset the balance of inter-relationships of the many. The meaning of life is all about opportunity. Life is the opportunity to grow, to adapt, to learn, to support other life. Opportunity to procreate, to co-create, to orchestrate the beauty of life, of love. An opportunity to harmonize with all. Blessed be.

How do YOU define the meaning of life?

gagi      10/29/19

Star Power

Star Power

the waters of this planet
reflecting thru the night
understand the power
for stars shine even in daylight

and the sun that shines upon us
is the closest by far
we often don’t give credit to
our very own personal star

the light and information
that is streaming for us to receive
is absorbed by the waters
readied for the day when we believe

we only have to ask for
honour and then receive
star power is benevolent
giving access to all that we need

gagi       10/28/19


Eighth Fire

Eighth Fire

oh let there be peace
choices are present
we design from within
fragmental exponents
from whence we begin

chartered benevolence
quantum divine
historical remembrance
when all are aligned

fragmental memories
haunting or quaint
parables extorting
the race of the race

measuremental differences
required to form
a newness, improvements
asking to be born

whether we’re ready
is not even thought
this opportunity is but an instant
and is ours to be caught

gagi      10/26/19