

there is a difference
 between guidance and intuition
with our intuition we sense what will be
intuition can be instant and has movement
it changes and adapts to the shifts and the flow

guidance is instant
it is like a voice that we hear
or an extraordinary synchronicity
demanding our attention and asking
asking us to take action in response to the call

guidance is a knowingness
never to be forgotten or questioned
a sacred connection we are blessed to know
like a course correction pulling us back into the flow
to our destiny of life purpose

gagi     01/17/25

Won on Won

Won on Won

the word wow is now a favourite
it is a win/win
and somehow
comes out of nowhere

it represents a win
yet we can never begin
to place or replace it
layered, never ending
infinitely there
with only glimpses
of the infinite beyond

celebrating our won-ness

gagi     01/16/25

From the Heart

From the Heart

from the heart
there comes a whisper
a gentle reminder
to listen in

to sit in nature
in the quiet and beauty
to allow the peace felt
to feed the calmness within

gagi     01/15/25