Just Ask

Just Ask

the filling of a request
of what we have just asked for
can be immediate or even
already done

what’s in the making
is about the creating
outside of space
outside of time

purely and simply
of the sublime
inspiring our awe
and elation

gagi   09/30/23

Moon Baths

Moon Baths

feel the light of the Moon
soak into your body
a pure penetration
of pearlescent light

the fullness of the Moon
is shared with our essence
filled up, infilled
by her very presence

seen briefly in her wholeness
then she readies to wane
until in her fullness
we meet again

gagi     09/29/23

The Child Within II

The Child Within

the child within
is ready to come out
she has spent enough time in adulthood
to know what its all about

come on!
forget about getting more
of the material kind
return to the wonder
of nature and the sublime

play with the moon beams
get your feet wet
laugh with the laughter
we so often forget

curiosity, inventiveness
cascading with joy
creating new systems
new ways to employ
our own inventiveness
to change our whole world

into the NEW

gagi     09/29/23