Conscious Containers

Conscious Containers

able to receive
to reply and amend
to participate fully
and yes comprehend

what is contained
in our sphere, in our arc?
a participatory satellite
powered by a spark

a spark of intelligence
a passion to be
a conscious provider
evolving the me to a we

gagi     10/08/20

The Graduate

The Graduate

i have just graduated
and now enter a new school
if i want to go back now
i’d be kind of a fool

what will i now study?
what do i want to learn?
what teachers are waiting
to help me discern?

the importance of life
and how i may serve
what opportunities await
hidden round that curve

gagi     10/07/20

The Antiquated

The Antiquated

capture the antiquated
misaligned? no longer taught in?
let’s clarify the importance
before its forgotten

something outdated
no longer taught in practice or schools
what are we missing?
what’s been lost in those pools?

pools of commonality
pools of not time to do
pools of dismissal
because of entrainment to a few

where are the gems
sometimes lost in the mire?
can we unearth them
to be used to inspire?

gagi     10/07/20