Quiet the Mind

Quiet the Mind

peaceful beginnings are waiting for you
find a space and aloneness
a space just for you

sit and find stillness
feel into the Earth
feet on the ground
feel into her girth

breathe now the airways
they are calling to you
steady and deeply
release as you do

an easy rhythm
a gateway of sorts
allowing your wholeness
allowing imports

feeling heart’s tunes play
feeling joyous within
realizing this quiet
is where to begin

gagi     09/05/21

Passages of Time

Passages of Time

segmented interludes
sequential modes
movement and stillness
carrying the codes

a sense of having been there
a sense of knowing more
breathing in the reality
in to our quiet core

change that could be gradual
we know not what’s in store
permanent impermanence
dissolving more and more

gagi     09/04/21

Peaceful Returning

Peaceful Returning

parameters of change
past the quantum divide
bring a balancing, a squaring
from side to side to side

singularity exists now
in multi-dimensional form
an unlocked creation
into which we all were born

spacial expansion
a beingness embodied
an ability to flow and morph
a delightful new hobby

perhaps the only stillness now
is what we find in our hearts
a peaceful returning
to where each one of us start

gagi     09/04/21