Seeking Reciprocity

Seeking Reciprocity
we can share who we are
we can share what we want
is  it ever defined
by our choice of a font?
how we express
what we want to convey
must come from the heart
there is no other way
it does not need words
there is a vibrational exchange
how we can receive
is on the very same plane
so when we reach out
to share what’s inside
does it require
the other to reply?
of course it does not
but that communication is finished
and the potential to understand
is greatly diminished
using words or not
we cannot hide our true feelings
they are part of the matrix
that illuminates all concealings
so let us be love
in the spirit of reciprocity
and let movement continue
with its increasing velocity
freely and acknowledged
gagi     11/05/21


within the surmountable
knowing we are climbing
finding the way
meeting and
overcoming obstacles
choosing the path
sometimes backtracking
and choosing again
knowing we will get there
the adventure keeps calling
a climb to the peak
to get a peek
at the full view
and possibly recognize
the next mountain
that is calling
gagi     11/03/21

Believe There Will Be

An Answer – Believe There Will Be
i believe there will be an answer
an answer to our seeking to understand
by believing there will be an answer
we can be patient with what is readying to land
first we must find our questions
travelling the inner roads to explore what is
with curiousity and an intent to discover
as a seeker, a dreamer and lover
a lover of life
a dreamer of possibilities
seeking the infinite potentials
and bringing back a sense of probabilities
what will be we cannot see
for it is in the midst of our creating it
a step at a time
a piece of the puzzle
another line to rhyme
into existence
gagi      11/02/21