
tis the season of change
as we wax and we wane
feeling the emotional storm
that has no balancing norm
and this is our challenge
even a game of sorts
living from our stillpoint
whilst being adrift
adrift in the chaos
yet trusting the flow
knowing there’s a purpose
to wherever we go
immune from the temperamental
emotional soup
contained in the stillness
of our internal loop
gagi    12/28/21

Market Warrior

Market Warrior
the market place is always set up at dawn
a trade, an exchange or what one can pawn
early is the buyer seeking bargains and gifts
excited, determined to find the gems he can sift
sift out from the abundance
of the all to be shared
holding on to the skills
of knowing how all is compared
and then the warrior turns off
the element of speed
and enters the market
as a fair-trade buyer to heed
the gems that he finds
stand out from the rest
then with ease he departs
having conquered his quest
gagi   12/22/21


the stallion on the hill
watching over his herd
the peace and the still
a position of power
a strength that was meant
as a dominance in nature
with a heart that’s content
gagi     12/22/21