Within the Spin

Within the Spin
centred and free
surpassing our me
connected as we
the multitudes
a standing invitation
to the playground of creation
playing our games
on many new planes
playing beyond time
spinning to realign
collaboration perfected
as we create the come-nexted
creating from within
within the spin
where it all begins
gagi    08/24/22

Pressured to Do

Pressured to Do
being pressured to do
will no longer do
as we now self-direct
and connect to co-create the new
with our purpose aligned
every decision co-signed
we dismantle the old
and repurpose its gold
the gold turned to goaled
with intention we hold
our vision and our decision to mould
the maturing of humanity
gagi    08/24/22

Recipe for the New

Recipe for the New
change, simplicity, fun
the old ways are not working
change is the new beginning
simplicity is about the basics
allowing for more to be added
to the structural core
fun is the creative juice
that brings us together
empowering the group mind
to design far beyond
what anyone can perceive
gagi     08/23/22