The Beauty Held Within

The Beauty Held Within

from deeply within
from where we did begin
is our still point

from our radiant heart
where our loving did start
is our star point

as a radiant star
we empower the Mar
shining our love

the beauty held within
radiating out and receiving in
infinite love

gagi      12/15/18



sometimes clarity
is in the reflection
what is first seen
then is pondered upon

and this reflection
becomes our reality
original view lost
in its totality

and perceptions move on
disturbing the calm
as new angles emerge
rounding the curve

into the beyond
seeking clarity

gagi       12/14/18

The Observers

The Observers

outside there is a great storm raging
the trees are dancing and bending
the waves are surging and purging
it is pent up energy that they are spending

from safety within we are the observers
watching and listening to the chaos outside
here in this still place of peace and of comfort
we wait and know these energies will subside

gagi      12/14/18