

fear is the blockage
to bringing into form
love for creation
allows the new to be born

focus on the outcome
enhanced by details
imaginative gaming
and all that entails

back loops of negativity
must be released
the more the believer
the chances increase

chances of completion
into form that becomes
the answer to creating
desired outcomes

gagi   07/26/18

Egotarian Manifestation

Egotarian Manifestation

a desire to do
a desire to have
initiates a consciousness streaming
abetted by dreaming

playing with numbers
and geometric form
painting by numbers
the image is born

marginal skeptics
erasing the theme
repeated repainting
infills the dream

to harness the ego
of the group mind
empowers the movement
when all are aligned

not for the self
for all who may benefit
a gift of Creator
and as such
we shall cherish it

gagi   07/26/18



how will the future be?
who are we wanting to be?
what is it that exists contemporarily?
how can we dissolve disparity?

recognize that which is incongruent
recognize the simplicity of living life
who we are and what we be
should not result in disparity

the deepest questions must be addressed
we cannot be separate from the rest
to love, to live with gratitude and joy
go to the senses we can employ

the gift of being physical
is the gift of feeling
senses to understanding
what we feel is revealing

the depth of understanding
depends upon
how we develop our senses
interpret, act on

with a foundation of gratitude
for the diversity of feeling
we experience ourselves
with a wholeness revealing

revealing our desire to be as we are
part of a oneness, part of the Mar
belonging, interwoven
interactive, alive
able to feel for others
and help them survive

survival is not an antonym
to flourish, prosper and thrive
and this requires attention
to the importance of why

why has our soul journey
brought us to the now?
why did we come here?
was it to learn to know how?

how to align to the multiversal divine
how to align and create new design
a design to co-habit in the paradise of now
to find a commonality to which we avow

time has evaporated
we have access to all
as we remember how to use our senses
disparity will fall

we cannot be separate
and therefore will find
we are congruent with all
when we are aligned

gagi   07/25/18
Mar – the ocean of infinite love