Water Time

Water Time

she calls us to listen
to submerge in her depths
to observe her reflections
to taste her salty breath

the peace and the motion
the rhythm of waves
the lure to then travel
in leisurely ways

the waters envelop
the Earth like a skin
let us pause, let us honour
where life on Earth did begin

gifted time we give gratitude
to this precious resource
ours to protect and to cherish
this our life-giving source

gagi      03/27/19

Competition and the Hummingbird

Competition and the Hummingbird

an observation merges out of the past
Hummingbird is teacher and we are the class
the lesson’s on competition or perhaps it is greed
an observation to share – the Hummingbird’s Creed

energy fields and the environment we’re in
can engulf our whole presence affecting our spin
observe the hummingbirds around hurry and lack
they compete for their food and others they attack

now observe in a setting of peace and of sharing
they calmly take turns and there is no comparing
abundance is shared and beauty observed
peaceful and joyful – has it ever occurred …

to share our abundance with joy and with love
an unhurried practice with all being part of
an intention to bring into balance, looking after the all
a lesson to tune into – the Hummingbird’s call

gagi      02/04/19

The Chameleon

The Chameleon

to change their behaviour
to change their colours
some have the ability to morph
a way to adapt to their environment

when we meet a chameleon
we may wonder at first
how quickly they change
to blend in

and then in an instant
they may reverse what they say
only to disappear into
the flavour of the day

is this a stage of experimental being?
is a chameleon experiencing
another’s way of seeing?
testing the grounds
feeling the vibration
and wanting to belong to
the plus side of the equation?

then we ask the question
who are they?
too many shifts
too many timelines
too many identities
too many loyalties
extract what they may
the danger becomes
in the shifting and modulating
do they become
a polymorph?

a child will experiment with different ways of being
trying to discover who they are
as children of the universe we too are allowed
to contemplate who we are and reverse
to discern the best way
to live ultimately in our oneness
we blend and test out the grounds

the answer dear friends
is to discern in the end
who we are as unique rays of a star
and keeping our uniqueness
offering our gifts
we strengthen the bond of indivisibility
copying no one
mirroring at times
blending our attributes
unity rings
spacial indifference
as we play out of space, out of time
constantly seeking coherence and rhyme
wandering lightly
pausing to be
our individualized person
spontaneous and free
the chameleon effect no longer observed
who we are is diversity expanded
focused on the presence of love
we know Creator has planned it

gagi       01/27/19