Mission Statement

Mission Statement

  • to help bring forth the evolving human within me, in the world and in harmony with other evolving dimensions by the sharing of our perspectives
  • to evolve into my full potential, as a loving being, as a co-creator of the emerging multi-dimensions
  • to attune to the source of creativity in people and to bring it forth by seeing it fully in the field of resonance, recognition and appreciation
  • to fully contribute to enhancing the combined potential of this group and of those we can connect to with an intention to influence the global mind and both create, learn and then put into practice, new ways to co-habit on Gaia
  • to bring forth an awareness that the answer is Love
    and that the question is irrelevant
  • to continue to write, illustrate in a variety of art forms and bring forth the wisdom we are being shown and to share this in a timely way
  • to pay close attention to the synchronicities occurring and to offer assistance to those who are “showing up” or have had a continued presence…asking for guidance or support on their behalf and sharing the wisdom that “comes thru” in poetry or prose, symbolism, sound and a multitude of art forms
  • to make a difference in this world and to fully participate in the multi-dimensional co-creative process

gagi       05/29/15

The New Story

The New Story

The new story began at the end of the cycle. The old and the new entering into the poles of the torus. Opposite ends to merge in the place of new beginnings. Never before on planet Earth, Era-the, had this happened.

The planet herself had felt the tortuous pull of the extremes experienced by opposing emotions, opposing desires, opposing actions. Now was the quiet time. Yes much has continued for even within, there can be an echo. The echo of the old. Equally there can be an echo of the new, funnelling thru that hollow, central core.

A time of new creation. A time of emancipation. Shedding the old skin. Where to begin? A pause. A tearing apart in order to rebuild. Fractured associations. Mirrored opposites. New plugs. New associations. Attraction of like energies. A blending of colours.

Something is emerging. The ancients could see into the future. They could travel the continuum of time. They knew there would be a point of reconciliation. Reconciliation offered at a time when the other choice was complete annihilation in order to remove all traces of the old.

Earth’s aura is shifting. Her colour is too. A gentle swirling of rainbow tints surrounds her. Mysts of the mystery. Magnetic poles pulled. Iron core rebalancing. All coming into alignment with the multi-dimensional channel. Tuning in to the multi-dimensional coming together for all dimensions have reached this time for transformation. And the power to transform is given to all. Isolation dissolved. Much is involved. Removal of the blinders. Freedom much kinder. All senses attuned. New ones discovered. Connecting to all. Remembering the fall. Solidifying the web. Readying to form, to birth the new.

What will it look like? How will it feel? When will it arrive? Will we survive?

Let the questions rest. We are doing our best to inform you of the change for it will be strange. As we all rearrange the fragments of the past, we cancel what was suffered and add what might seem the antidote. Many new forms. Many new structures. As all have energetically been pulled into the toroidal centralfuge there is a great mixing. No longer can the differences be defined. Splicing of strands. Weaving of strings. Untying. Untangling. Tying new knots. Making new connections. Inventing new colours. Creating new movement. Innovative engineering. Adding more joy as all play.

There are choices. There is resistance. The difference is that right now, all can contribute. Never before has such power been so evenly distributed. Each has access to the point of creation. Each can put forth their visions. Each impacts the decisions. Decisions to come into form. The new will be born as we recognize our oneness. The expansion of knowledge. The drawing on wisdom. The markers thru time, thru evolution, thru transformation. The anchors come with us. Those powerful moments of intensity…precious, all consuming feelings of love…tranquil, settling moments of peace…rippling, bubbling feelings of joy…humbling, melting feelings of gratitude…all to bring forward. Structural beams, strong strands of the web, these are the fibres we build with.

All will come into being. You will see. You are living in a now faint echo of your reality. Your very desiring of a new way is bringing you to it. Bringing you to where it already exists. You are both the creators and the dismantlers. Old systems collapsing. New systems designed. Exposure of the corruptions. Integrity required. Open hearts required. Compassion required. Awareness required.

The great awakening. The new dawn is starting to glow on the horizon. The inflow of new energies, the intensity of love is being felt. Much of what has been desired is instantly appearing. The flooding is happening. A gentle rising, flooding tide or the impact of a tsunami? Still much is unknown but all can prepare. Prepare by being aware. Come into alignment. Be in the flow. Let your hearts glow. With love. Be the bridge builder.

See all with new eyes. Know you are a part of the birthing of a world transformed by your very own ability to discern what is to be and what is not to be. Live big. Love big. Be all that you were meant to be in loving service to the Greatest Love of All.

gagi   03/02/15

A One Page Letter

A One Page Letter

Let us begin. Tomorrow is a significant day on your range of time. It is not cancerous, it is benign. Think of it as a cavity in a tooth. Something to be removed and repaired or simply to heal. That is the power of tomorrow. What is it that you have accumulated that wants to be released, forgiven, forgotten? What were the lessons learned? Spend today reflecting upon this. Dig deeply. Meditate. Explore your past. Dream your future. What is holding you back? Expand it. Know it. Again and again. Dig deeply. Write it down. Draw it. Names. Who needs to be forgiven? Who wants to be reunited with your journey? Who wants to be with you? Work with you.? Co-create with you? As soon as you get to this part you have turned the corner so to speak. Now you are readying to create. Create the new story. Abandon the old. Tomorrow do ceremony to celebrate the release of the old, the mould, that which has been a parasite and sapping your strength. You are unstoppable from this point on. You will have incredible power and support from the assistors. Make good use of what is to become for you have asked for this. It is to be a time of bliss. Relaxing the rules to explore the periphery. Flipping the context of what has been known to examine what could have been. What can now be. Multiplied. Every unit of creation is waiting to be put together. How does it fit? What comes first? How many pieces make a whole? Juggle it. Change the sequencing. Look again. From all angles. Beauty. Beauty. Always seek the beauty. The beauty of creation feeds the senses. Can this be your mandate? All that is to be created has exquisite beauty. Sound…listen for it. Scent…is there a spectrum to expand upon? Colours…unlimited. Flavours that last and melt into others. Textures, temperatures, movement, energies, light forms…your craft supplies are available and to access these elements you must be readied. So once again, back to tomorrow. Release in a new way…free from doubt. There can be no doubt for that is the very chain to anchor that holds you back. Freedom. Freedom. Cancel the brain thoughts and feel into that great void that is calling you to be empty. Once empty you can expand into a vessel of such great capacity that you can hold all the elements of creation and be a mixing pot of the future expression. This is the challenge. How many of you can be emptied out now. Actually it only takes one. Or it can be a sum. A sum of the flavours of expression. To begin again you must end and to end you must be free from all that was. Become the new child. Curious. Excited. With all the tools and building blocks laid out before you. Invite your friends and begin. Begin with a reverence for life and the love that has allowed it. You are there to behold the new forms of creation and to cherish that which is wanting to be expressed. With love, we encourage you to take this all to heart. With love, please receive it. Amen.

gagi       01/15/15