Deeply Entrained

Deeply Entrained
when deeply entrained
yet not physically there with another
we can feel their presence
as if we were one
their expression, their energy
total awareness of breathing
breathing the other
when we are the sum
there is a heart connection
an entwining, an acceptance
as we are becoming
and separation is undone
isn’t this fun!
gagi     07/27/22

A Tri-Verse on Time

A Tri-Verse on Time
change, simplicity and fun
roll out the drum
what we are seeking
we are now speaking
the complications of life
the challenges met
have partitioned us often
feeling we have nothing left
an ability to change
to a new way of living
to simplify everything
and enjoy nature’s giving
feel all the beauty
blend into the surrounds
use time to be grateful
for all that inbounds
gagi   07/25/22

Woven for Strength

Woven for Strength
woven for strength
that is our purpose
knotted with love
treasured times we’ve kept hold of
a cord, as a record
of a lifetime well lived
gagi     07/23/22