An Epiphany

An Epiphany
yes it is real
the support and encouragement
the synchronicities and magic
the mystical, the teachings
experienced and held
they are real
best to play along
we don’t know where this is taking us
don’t know why this is happening
but the more we become aware
the more we see the patterns
the sign posts
we will understand
this is somehing much greater
than we can imagine
or is it our imagining coming into form
and creating the new?
if only we knew
gagi     02/02/22

The Presence

The Presence
the presence of great beauty
is there to behold
how precious is this beauty?
it is our gold
drink it in
become it
cherish it
beauty is of the physical
of form
of colour
of movement
of reflection
beauty is received by our senses
feeling sound
receiving with sight
experiencing by touch
by taste
sensing with our hearts
our ability to receive
to appreciate
to remember
to relate to
to communicate
to then create from
carries on
slow down
be with this presence
feel it
honour with our love and gratitude
for this is the true essence
of humanity’s own presence
its existence and potential
to become the more
gagi    02/02/22

A Thing of Beauty

A Thing of Beauty
a thing of beauty just is
acknowledged by the heart
it speaks to us
beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
one who has taken the moment
to simply be
in the presence of the wonder
the wonder of creation
gagi     01/28/22