

no angular feat
contributes to the way
we relate to the outer
for by alignments we meet

and so with our feet
we connect to the Earth
and standing upright
we can constantly rebirth

the energy flow
rises up from the ground
up thru our core
with a vibratory sound

rising, igniting
much from within
releasing from our crowns
released to the spin

the spin of the Earth
and solar system outbound
integrated spin of our lifetimes
and the galactic surround

and we also draw in
from the portal above
wisdom and knowledge
and most importantly love

our perpendicular stance
allows us to grow
embodying, enhancing
the evolutionary flow

gagi     08/02/19



defined by one’s actions
an endefiable choice
to become like another
using their voice

transcripts of remembrance
as others have said
embodied emotions
of another’s instead

catapulted to the present
ignoring the past
using an instance
the replay is cast

how can another
represent what is true
when only the present
is available to you?

gagi      07/12/19

To Be at Peace

To Be at Peace

to be at peace
is that place of acceptance
resonant vibrations
of heart and of mind

releasing to the universe
all that was held
resting in a place
where love and peace can meld

gagi      07/05/19