
into the meadows
the fields of aware
brimming with life
and the mysteries there
the seen and unseen
the visual and felt
ours to explore
to observe and adore
forever more
gagi     07/22/22

Sky Walker

Sky Walker
the mystical distance
beckons us there
into the stars
walking aware
seen in our nighttime
unseen in the day
visual or not
there is still interplay
do we ignore
the exception to this rule?
let us ask a question
from the intergalactic school


the Sun is our very own
personal star
not to be taken for. granted
as this star is not far
how often in its closeness
is something unseen?
waking up to this question
where have we been?
gagi     07/21/22

Child’s Play

Child’s Play
the promise of dawn
as a child awakens to play
so much to do again
sometimes in a new way
the child’s forgiveness
of what didn’t work
is naturally easy
and can be the next perk
tireless and relentless
to try something better
child’s play inspires
the playful go-getter
gagi     07/19/22