Corporate Soul

Corporate Soul
at this time the very soul of a corporation
will require some deep internal exploration
examine the maturity of the corporation’s simple essence
is it at the stage of a budding  pre-pubescence?
has it matured in awareness of its role in society?
is it readying to step forth out of a place of notoriety?
what transformations are about to occur
when the mind of the corporation starts to mature?
the ability to reproduce and spawn its new form
will be of the essence of the new world to be born
development of values readied to sustain
the coming of the new, a preliminary reframe
gagi     11/05/22

Four Drinks

Four Drinks
there were 4 drinks
each in a glass
first there were three
the 4th a different class
dreams often have
a metaphoric note
these dream images
held a symbolic quote
the first represented
the focus on self
the second was about 2
relationship wealth
the third brought in community
one’s connections thru time
and the fourth had a colour
a delightful bright lime
this drink represented everything
the oneness of all
those who drink of this beverage
have answered their call
gagi     11/03/22

The Power of Love

The Power of Love
the strength that comes from owning
the power of love
gifts the capacity to care for
all we encounter thereof
the strength and the power
embodied full tilt
is a natural form
and is of how we were built
built and nurtured
in a place where we’re loved
lest we forget
we are of
both Mother Earth
and the heavens above
gagi     11/02/22